Toowoomba Christian Fellowship

Sunday meetings at 9:30am

All visitors welcome


The hope in the holy place

On His journey from the garden of Gethsemane to the cross, Jesus fully identified with our fallen human condition, and took the whole world, with its sin, out into the everlasting judgement of God. On this same journey, Jesus came back from the death of our sin by the resurrection power of the life of God that was in His blood. He learned our obedience, and finished all of the works that the Father had planned for us to do as sons of God. Heb 5:8. Isa 26:12. Amazingly, this included the works of our sonship for our entire life. We know that there are unique works for each season of our life; and this most certainly includes our teenage years!

Having completed the works of our sonship, Jesus Christ is our hope. Our hope as sons of God is in the holy place, because Jesus Himself has entered the presence of God for us. He has taken His seat in the mercy seat, which is the throne of grace, in the true temple. As our great High Priest, Jesus forever lives to minister to us our participation in His finished offering. Heb 6:20. Knowing this to be true, the apostle Paul proclaimed that this hope is ‘the anchor of our soul’. Heb 6:19. It is sure and steadfast. It is unshakeable. It is immovable. We know that we will grow and mature to become the son whom the Father planned for us to be if we continue to receive His word and to embrace the pathway that Jesus pioneered for us.